Thursday, February 12, 2009

His sunshine flows down from heaven above,
touching my heart, my very soul.
Filling my life with His healing and love.
Like a river flowing over my life,
washing away all the sin in my life.
His sunshine flows like a warm gentle breeze,
calming my fears, His loving hands I feel drying
my tears.
So many years I felt were wasted from being afraid,
Until I met Jesus, now all of that's changed.
His sunshine fills my heart with a joy I never knew,
I am being restored, being renewed.
Whiter than snow, my sins have been washed away.
By His precious blood, He shed on calvary for me.
His sunshine and love, I am thankful for today,
My love for my Jesus, grows stronger each day.
I will praise Him forever and tell of His love,
so others may know and feel His sunshine from above.
by Wanda Jess_Poet4Jesus
Nov 7,2005


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